Frog in Love

Investigating the ways we come to know through picture books

Gender And Sexuality EducationPhilosophy with ChildrenReflections on Pedagogy
15+ Age Group


Sept 05, 2023 · 6 min read


An exploration of how we come to know our feelings. Specifically, if we can call love a feeling, what else is it? How do we know about it? What does it mean to express and act out of love?


1. Do you always know what you are feeling?
2. Are there times when others have made inferences about your feelings and were they right?
3. Remember a time when you have been confused about what/how you feel but have wanted to know. What have you done at that point and why?


What is one thing without which ‘love’ would not be love?                                


‘Frog in love’ is a wonderful resource to think about our emotions and about love. In this story, a frog, confused about what exactly he is feeling, approaches a rabbit, who is a doctor. The doctor, on understanding the frog’s symptoms, declares that the frog is in love. Only then does the frog realise that he is in love with the duck and struggles to express his love for her. I recommend this book as it is possible to use this book to speak about several aspects about love and emotion, as I mention below.

Click here for the pdf

During Reading

On emotions —

1. Why didn't the frog know that he is in love?
2. When you are not happy nor sad, is that a feeling of its own?
3. Is there something wrong when we are confused about our feelings?
Have you felt like both laughing and crying at any point? why?
4. When does your heart go thump-thump? How easy is it to distinguish between ‘being happy’ and ‘being sad’, or any emotions for that matter? 5. How accurate a portrayal of love is it?
6. Do you agree with Hare’s diagnosis?
7. Have there been times when people have told you how you feel? And why do you believe them?
8. Now that he believes that he is in love, is he happy, or is there another reason for him jumping?

On love —
A philosophical enquiry into the meaning of an emotion such as love would first involve an investigation into the everyday usage of the word ‘love’ in particular, concrete contexts.
a. What are some things without which love would not be love?
b. Is love a feeling or action or both?
c. To what extent does deception play a role in love?

2. Are there people who just can't love each other? Why so?
3. What are the ways in which we express love?
4. Why does it take courage to express love?
5. At one point in time, the frog begins risking his life for a duck in order to impress her. How would you feel if someone did this for you?

In-class Learnings

Sections from ‘all about love’ from hooks can be read and discussed together.                                                                                           

RHEA KUTHOORE is an educator who is passionate about facilitating philosophical and feminist thinking amongst young people.

Thinking Rhizomatically






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